SIFT-MS: Rapid, Selective Trace Gas and Headspace Analysis


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MarkPerkins_Work.pngMark Perkins (Anatune Limited, Cambridge, UK)

VaughanLangford_Work.pngVaughan Langford (Syft Technologies, Christchurch, New Zealand)

View this on-demand learning event...

Separation Science, in collaboration with Syft Technologies, offers an on-demand webinar covering selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS), a technology that provides a significant advance in trace gas and headspace analysis. The presentation examines how application of SIFT-MS can deliver competitive advantage in the contract laboratory because of high sample throughput and its ability to analyse chromatographically challenging species. It also demonstrates how direct gas analysis opens new research and on-line monitoring opportunities.

By viewing this webinar you will learn...

  • the fundamentals of the selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry analytical technique
  • how the technique delivers immediate analytical results to ppt concentrations with very high selectivity through application of multiple rapidly switchable positive and negative reagent ions coupled with mass spectrometric detection
  • how SIFT-MS compares with traditional gas analysis methods, including GC-MS and HPLC

To view this on-demand webinar please complete the form opposite.

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