PFAS are an abundant class of legacy and current contaminants in the catchments of many water works around the world. In Berlin, Germany, PFAS are monitored extensively due to the prospective strict regulatory measures from the European Union and German environmental authorities. With required limits of quantification in the very low ng/L range, sensitive techniques are applied and potential improvements are explored. These analytical means are complemented by research activities regarding PFAS analysis, sampling, and removal, as well as contributions to national and international standardization.
By watching this presentation you will learn that:
- Thorough monitoring of PFAS will be required by many water works due to strict regulatory limits
- Analytical sensitivity must be further increased to satisfy the required limits of quantification
Technologies for PFAS removal must be improved to comply with limit values
PresenterFrederik Zietzschmann (Laboratory of Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Germany)
Frederik Zietzschmann works at the laboratory of Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Germany's largest drinking water and wastewater company, where he leads the organics, wastewater analytics, and sampling groups. His current research focus is on industrial polar organic micro-pollutants, their measurement, occurence, and removal in the semi-closed urban water cycle of Berlin. Additional activities are strategic lab & company development, authority relations, research and development. He did his doctoral dissertation at Technische Universität Berlin, and before returning to Berlin, was an assistant professor at TU Delft, the Netherlands.
In addition, you'll be able to watch the following on-demand presentations...
Latest Regulations & Standards on PFAS Testing in the Materials Industry
Dr Yuhong Chen (Global Materials Segment, Applied Markets, Agilent Technologies)Sampling and Analysis of Volatile PFAS in Air by TD-GC-MS
Carlos Gil (Business Development Manager, Markes International GmbH)Streamlined PFAS Annotation and Visualization with FluoroMatch Flow and Visualizer
Stephen Baumann (Application Applied Segment Manager, Agilent Technologies)Using Thermal Desorption and GC-MS/MS for the Analysis of PFAS Compounds in Air for Improved Detectability & Reliability
Kurt Thaxton (Gerstel)
As well as download the following educational assets...
Your Guide to Targeted Quantification & Screening of PFAS Compounds in Environmental Matrices
Get your lab up to speed for PFAS analysis with the Agilent start-to-finish drinking and surface water eMethod
Customer Testimonial: Watch How Sanexen Environmental Services Meets Client Needs for PFAS Testing
Get Ahead and Stay Ahead with Comprehensive Workflows for Extraction, Screening, Quantification, and Reporting of PFAS in Water Samples
Meet the Challenges of PFAS Soil Testing in an Evolving Regulatory Framework With Start-to-Finish Workflows
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