Separation Science, in collaboration with AOAC International, offers an eSeminar that focuses on its standards and methods program created to identify analytical tools to better locate and characterize the intentional and economically motivated adulteration of foods.
Food fraud encompasses a wide range of deliberate fraudulent acts, from adding non-authentic substances to removing or replacing authentic substances without the purchaser’s knowledge. Most commonly, this involves selling of food which is unfit and potentially harmful, deliberate mislabeling of food, or counterfeiting.
This webinar includes a series of presentation from key experts in the field, including:
Food authenticity, EMA, and the analytical challenges facing industry, regulators, and consumers
Bert Pöpping (FOCOS, Germany)Targeted test applications: assessing gaps in current capabilities and bridging non-targeted and targeted testing approaches
Joe Boison (AOAC International)Non-targeted testing approaches, challenges, and successes
John Szpylka (AOAC International)Strategic approach of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL Food Authenticity Methods Program for 2020
Palmer Orlandi (AOAC International)
The speakers highlight the complexities for stakeholders in the supply chain and for government regulators when food fraud testing is required. Such complexities include defining authenticity for any commodity of interest, detecting the presence and identity of an adulterant and the benefits of an integrated approach that incorporates both non-targeted (NTT) and targeted (TT) testing.
Viewers will be introduced to the approach taken by AOAC International’s Food Authenticity Methods (FAM) Program and to the TT and NTT consensus performance standards recently adopted for methods to authenticate high priority commodities such as olive oil, honey and milk.
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