Latest Mass Spectrometry-based Trends for Identifying and Quantifying Unknown PFAS Compounds

Separation Science, in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific, offers an on-demand webinar that discusses an advanced mass spectrometry method that captures more meaningful data to demystify unknown PFAS compounds. This webinar will broadcast twice...

Duration: Approximately 40 minutes

Lee Ferguson
(Duke University, North Carolina, USA)
Lee Ferguson, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Duke University. Research in the Ferguson laboratory is focused on development of novel methods for trace analysis of organic and nanoparticulate contaminants in the aquatic environment.

Abigail Joyce
(Duke University, North Carolina, USA)
Abigail Joyce, Ph.D., is Manager of the Analytical Chemistry Core and Research Scientist in Dr. Ferguson’s laboratory at Duke University. Her goals are to provide high quality analytical analysis and develop new analytical methods to keep up with the university’s research needs.








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In the state of North Carolina, the NC Policy Collaborator formed a PFAST Network, comprised of many university scientists whose goal it is to monitor PFAS compounds in public drinking water supplies. The PFAST network takes both an untargeted and targeted analytical approach to perform testing, with the former approach focused on identifying previously unknown and potentially toxic compounds. Given the importance of identifying new toxic PFAS compounds, performing small molecule unknown analysis can become quite a daunting task. One of the laboratories that is part of the PFAST network is the Ferguson Laboratory at Duke University. In this webinar, leaders of the Ferguson Laboratory discuss a Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ Mass Spectrometer-based method, which captures more meaningful data to demystify unknown PFAS compounds. Additionally, a triple-quadrupole MS method will be discussed, which achieves desired limits of detection for identified PFAS compounds.

By viewing this presentation you will learn...

  • The mission and work being performed by the North Carolina PFAST Network for PFAS testing in drinking water samples
  • Mass spectrometry-based approaches for identifying unknown PFAS compounds
  • Robust, sensitive targeted mass spectrometry methods for confident quantitation of known PFAS compounds.

This presentation is suitable for...

  • Academic laboratories performing analytical chemistry research on emerging and existing environmental and food contaminants
  • State level or county level testing laboratories responsible for environmental and food safety in their region.

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