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This portal includes a series of on-demand presentations covering the use of light scattering techniques for macromolecular analysis. Featured presentations include...
Absolute Characterization of Polymeric Excipients with Size Exclusion Chromatography and Light Scattering
presented by Andrew Meyer (Wyatt Technology)
In this webinar we show how conventional characterization techniques including size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and bulk viscosity measurements may fall short. The addition of light scattering analysis provides complete characterization of molar mass, viscosity, branching, conformation, conjugation, and size of excipients and other polymers.
Characterizing Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions by Light Scattering
presented by Sophia Kenrick (Wyatt Technology)
Multi-angle light scattering (MALS) is a powerful tool for directly measuring molar masses of proteins, nucleic acids, and complexes in solution without fluorescent or radio labeling. In this webinar, two complementary light-scattering techniques for determining the stoichiometry and affinity of interactions between proteins and nucleic acids are presented.
Other presentations you may find of interest include...
Separation and Characterization of Complex (Bio)Macromolecular Architectures
presented by Albena Lederer (Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden)
In this webinar, we compare techniques for characterizing the properties and interactions of highly-functionalized polymers, highly-branched polymers, biohybrids and similar complex systems. These techniques include field-flow fractionation coupled to multiple types of detectors, and complementary methods such as AFM, cryo-TEM and MD simulations.
Probing Submicron Protein Aggregation Using Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AF4) and Light Scattering
presented by Kim Williams (Department of Chemistry, Colorado School of Mines)
In this study, a simple asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) method is developed and used to investigate nanometer and submicron aggregates of heat-stressed anti-streptavidin (anti-SA) IgG1. The Lumry-Eyring nucleated polymerization model for non-native protein aggregation is fit to AF4 data and kinetic analysis is performed to identify the mechanism of aggregate formation.
Advances in Online Viscometry: Extending the Limits of Detection for Intrinsic Viscosity and Hydrodynamic Radius
presented by Stepan Podzimek (SYNPO) and Steven Trainoff (Wyatt Technology)
We describe a new differential viscometer, incorporating these advances and others, that measures hydrodynamic radius with sensitivity exceeding that of online dynamic light scattering, especially for globular proteins and other compact macromolecules.
The Importance of Light Scattering in Biopharmaceutical Formulation Development
presented by Mark Spears (Fujifilm)
Light scattering is increasingly considered a “standard” tool in the set, and it is a core part of Fujifilm’s approach to protein formulation development. We introduce how various types of light scattering measurements are used in our work and offer several case studies where light scattering data impacted the project direction or was the only way to accurately measure the product.
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