Advance With Transmission Raman
The Evolution of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy in Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing
Format: On-demand
Duration: Approximately 90 minutes
Learn from the experts at Bristol-Myers Squibb, GSK and MMIC.
The forum begins with two expert presentations:
Analytical Instrumentation from an Industry Perspective: Challenges to IntroductionListen to Gary McGeorge discuss the need for new technology across pharma, from vaccines to cell therapy to synthetic NMEs. Where should the focus be when budgets are tighter, but a myriad of innovative technologies exist? Why is transmission Raman spectroscopy such a good option, and how does it compare with HPLC and other technologies. Listen to Gary talk about adopting this technology and how to measure success.
Roadmap and Roadblocks to Transmission Raman Implementation in the Pharmaceutical EnvironmentListen to Dr Julien Villaumie describe the hands-on implementation of transmission Raman spectroscopy in pharmaceutical manufacture, and the challenges faced during this process. You will understand the rationale and business case for selection of this technology, compared with traditional HPLC, as well as the key steps for success in the method development process.
The presentations will be followed by an in-depth discussion by these industry and technology experts:
Expert Presenters & Panellists
![]() Analytical Expert ARD, Providing Services to Novartis Pharma AG Aerotek, a Brand of Allegis Group AG |
![]() Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre, UK |
![]() Sr. Principal Scientist, Bristol-Myers Squibb |
![]() Scientific Leader, GSK |
By watching the presentations and discussion you will learn about:
- The benefits for targeted implementations of TRS in pharmaceutical development and manufacture
- The business justification for the transition from conventional/traditional methods
- The route to implementation of TRS and the regulatory submission for manufactured products
- The important role of HPLC for successful quantitative TRS method development and verification
- The barriers and challenges including cultural, regulatory, and scientific.
- Where the technology is now and what is needed for the future
- What can TRS ultimately achieve in bringing benefits to drug development and manufacture
To register for this on-demand educational event, simply complete the form to the right of this page.
'Advance with Transmission Raman' is Part 1 of the 'Advanced Pharmaceutical Technologies' series of learning events including presentations and discussions covering transmission Raman spectroscopy, handheld Raman for raw material ID, data integrity and compliance, and automation in dissolution. Click on the buttons at the top of this page to find out more on the other events in this series.